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Resources to uplift and enrich
your homeschool experience


Mama Bear Apologetics Book

"Parents are the most important apologists our kids will ever know. Mama Bear Apologetics will help you navigate your kids’ questions and prepare them to become committed Christ followers.” —J. Warner Wallace

Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City Book

In Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City, two moms living in the bluest of cities offer practical guidance, parenting strategies, and humorous commentary to help parents immunize their children against Woke infection.

Until the Streetlights Come On Book

In a tech-saturated world, a return to outdoor play is exactly what our children need. Founder of 1000 Hours Outside shows parents how to help their kids discover the fun--not to mention the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual benefits--that awaits them beyond the four walls of their home.

Teach them Diligently Book

It’s easy to say we trust Christ for everything, but are we living that truth? We’ve been given clear instruction in a powerful promise for parents. God tells us in Deuteronomy to “teach our children diligently.”


Sarah Mackenzie helps your family fall in love with books, and helps *you* fall in love with

Homeshooling Families, by Teach Them Diligently

If you’re a homeschool family, you’ve found the right place! We invite you to join us each week on the Teach Them Diligently Podcast, where we’ll
discuss a wide-range topics related to Biblical Parenting…

The Raising Lifelong Learners podcast helps parents -- especially homeschooling parents -- encourage their differently-wired kids to learn,
explore passions, cultivate creativity, and become fascinated by the world around them.

Camping Stick Kids is a non-profit Christian ministry that partners with camps, churches, Trail Life troops, and homeschool families to disciple kids.


Homeschooling Connections

Teach Them Diligently

Read Aloud Revival

Great Homeschool Convention