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New Digital Platform Combats Cancel Culture and Provides a Safe Harbor for Christian and Conservative eBooks, Audiobooks and Digital Content

Provided by CrossCurrent Digital | Cary, NC, June 27, 2022

CrossCurrent Digital is a Christian, conservative, family-friendly digital platform that will provide consumers with the option to purchase their eBooks, audiobooks, and digital content from a company that shares and protects content with a biblical worldview.

Many Christian and right-of-center publishers depend on Amazon for the majority of their sales. In 2021, Amazon removed the book “When Harry Became Sally” by Ryan T. Anderson. In 2022 Amazon removed a Christian publisher’s entire Amazon store (Church and Family Life), claiming they “have published books with misleading content that have the potential to mislead or defraud our customers."

Not only have international book platforms removed titles with a Judeo-Christian worldview, which is the foundation of traditional family values, they have banned ads for titles and failed to make follow-up orders after selling through inventory – despite high demand. Publishers and distributors have also pulled titles they have previously published/endorsed/carried (e.g., Tyranny of Big Tech by Josh Hawley). 

What will happen when Amazon and other international book platforms decide to remove all titles from all publishers that take a biblical stand on divisive cultural values?

CrossCurrent will have titles from major Christian and conservative publishers and trusted imprints, general content from many mainstream publishers, and content from authors and publishers that readers need to know about.

CrossCurrent will be cancel-free and insulated from Big Tech, so that the Gospel and books with traditional values that stem from a Judeo-Christian worldview will have a home – no matter what happens with other digital book platforms that are currently dominated by Big Tech.

"It is vitally important that in addition to pushing for legal reforms, conservatives and Christians build their own platforms to protect their content. CrossCurrent is doing just that to ensure that these books are never permanently deplatformed."
Ryan Anderson, Ph.D.
President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

The CrossCurrent platform is scheduled to launch in late summer of 2022.

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